Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blog initiation

So this is the entry to start off this blog for my ideas and the ideas of others that I find interesting. They will mostly relate to design, but may also relate to other subjects as well. My main area of interest is product design as I am in the Industrial Design program at the University of Cincinnati. I have interned at a hospitality furniture company called MTS Seating (MTS standing for Michigan Tube Swedgers), as well as at Philips/Respironics in Pittsburgh, and New Balance in Boston. These three internships have covered some of my areas of interest in design in furniture, medical, and shoe design.

The reason for beginning this blog is to fulfill a requirement for studio, however I hope to continue updating it following this quarter. I hope to do this not only to share my own ideas but also to develop a place where others can visit and share their ideas. This will be one of my goals for the quarter to not only do the blogs required by my studio but to also add more content. Additionally I expect to improve my development of a story around the products I design. This will help accentuate the features of my designs.